It is possible to personalize service, improve relations with hotel guests and increase their satisfaction using Uspacy.

A hotel is a place associated with maximum comfort and coziness. Here, people want to abstract from everyday life or simply have a rest after a long journey.
Everything must be simple and clear. To achieve this goal, hotel owners need to provide proper service, raising their own business to a higher level. Uspacy online service will help manage a hotel, hostel or recreation center. Thanks to the tools for collaboration, employees of the establishment will be able to organize daily processes, improve communication within the team and devote more time to providing excellent service. Uspacy will help to collect client information, reserve rooms and keep records.
Client base and contact segmentation
An important condition for the successful existence of a hotel business is an organized client base and an understanding of their needs. A convenient system of online space will help to be aware of the preferences of the guests of your complex and provide them with what they need. Thanks to it, you will be able to collect contacts in one place, attract new guests and retain regular ones with the help of profitable offers. Store client data, history of previous reservations and special requests for rooms and additional services in personal cards. This will help develop more accurate marketing strategies and apply a more personalized approach to each client. For example, offer special pricing for the weekend or discounts for a longer stay in the hotel, attract corporate clients or provide special offers for individual trips. Thanks to these advantages, you will be able to increase the level of client satisfaction and direct advertising activities to those groups of clients who need your offers the most.
Sales funnel settings
The sales funnel is an important tool for businesses that sell services, and the hotel business isn’t an exception. A well-configured funnel reflects all stages of the sales process and shows where clients get lost. So, for example, you see how a potential guest of your hotel views the website, even fills out a feedback form but something went wrong here. There is a reservation, but the payment has not been received. The problem segment has been identified, it remains to find out the reason that prevented the site visitor from becoming your client - the price, the lack of a free room on the required date, or unsatisfactory service. You can also track which rooms are booked the most and which ones remain free and take measures to increase booking conversion. Thus, you, as a hotel owner, control all stages of the process and can influence each of them, drawing the attention of a prospective client in time.
Quick room booking
One of the most important processes in the work of a hotel complex is room reservation. It should be extremely fast, accessible and as easy as possible for clients, and the booking system should be adapted to their wishes. The online tools of Uspacy greatly simplify this process. Modern tools help to reduce the number of errors and allow you to configure a system of profitable offers that will attract clients when booking and additionally encourage them. Thanks to the open API, you can use third-party services that will help hotel employees check the availability of rooms, make reservations and record this information in the system. All of the listed above save time and resources for your clients and employees and help maintain a high level of client satisfaction.
Organization of work processes
Tasks will help organize the work processes of the hotel complex. Thanks to them, you can easily distribute responsibilities between employees and ensure high-quality service to guests. Reception may have the task of welcoming guests or providing information about hotel services. By assigning tasks to the security service, you can strengthen the security to certain areas of the hotel. Tasks also help to ensure regular cleaning of rooms, as well as urgent cleaning of specific rooms at a set time.
Effective communication
Instantly communicate between departments and send important information to hotel employees using chats. Thanks to them, the receptionist can quickly contact the restaurant staff or cleaners. Can inform the concierge about the guest's special wishes that need to be taken into account during his/her stay. Can inform the next shift of something important as well as the arrival of a new guest or changes related to the work of the establishment. Communication in chats helps avoid delays, improves work coordination and provides a higher quality of service.
Effective interaction
The CRM system helps to ensure fruitful interaction with clients. You can track birthdays or other holidays and offer tours and special offers. This will be a great opportunity to please clients and remind them about yourself. In this way, you can not only encourage new clients, but also stay in touch with guests after they leave. You can ask them to leave feedback on the site or write a post on social networks, mentioning your hotel, and in return promise them a discount on their next stay.