Auto service center
Uspacy helps to automate all stages of interaction with clients who have entrusted their cars to you and provides a convenient space for coordinated work within one platform.

Collect a single database, all information about requests and feedback. Remind clients about scheduled maintenance. Monitor the work of specialists and control whether they comply with deadlines.
The benefits of using modern work organization tools have long been appreciated by companies that provide services related to car repair and maintenance. Let's consider how exactly these tools help them organize work processes, control the work of specialists, standardize interaction with clients and generally improve the level of service.
Quality processing of requests
CRM records absolutely all requests received from clients and collects them in a single database. Thanks to this, no incoming request or comment on social networks will remain unnoticed. The manager will provide advice and book the nearest free date, taking into account the workload of mechanics and workplaces. The system will save missed calls and conversions for advertising, and therefore will definitely remind you to contact the client.
Request history
The Uspacy CRM helps to significantly increase client loyalty using the detailed interaction history with each client. Having collected all the information about the services provided, the products sold or the consultations of specialists, you can form individual offers with personal benefit, as well as carry out repeat sales. Taking into account preferences, features of the vehicle, birthdays and other important moments, you can not be afraid to be intrusive, because your offer will be desired and formulated in a timely manner.
Clear and convenient communication
No more chaos in interacting with people at all work stages. A single digital space helps bring together employees, clients and providers in one place. At Uspacy, you can communicate in personal and group chats, and even involve third-party users, clients or partners in discussions. You can quickly inform someone about something important, share a document or photo without leaving the online space. This greatly simplifies communication and saves time, because there is no need to switch to different programs. And you can send an urgent message simply from a mobile phone.
Assigning tasks
The ability to assign tasks to colleagues is another advantage of the Uspacy online service. Any work can be divided into tasks and subtasks, assigning roles to them, specifying persons responsible, participants and observers. In such a way, each member in the process clearly sees his/her piece of work and the deadline for completing this task. It helps to correctly set priorities, allocate resources and time. It allows you to track which of the employees is ahead, and who is slowing down and needs help. In short, full control over all processes is achieved.
Unified document management
In a single space, it is extremely easy to organize and store documents in a single cloud storage, where they are at the same time available for viewing and under reliable protection from prying eyes. Here, everything will depend on what data access each of the employees will have.