Car dealerships
Uspacy is an indispensable assistant for car dealerships that want to increase car sales and provide a personalized approach in work with clients.

A high level of client satisfaction is a guarantee of their loyalty, a higher probability of repeated purchases, favorable reviews and sincere recommendations. As a result an increase in sales, an increase in the reputation of the car dealership and competitiveness in the market.
Uspacy helps you see how things are actually going in your business, not just what managers say. You will be able to establish communication in the team and organize the work process efficiently. You will be able to analyze telephone conversations, track the deals through the funnel and, in general, the entire interaction with the buyer. Organize a single database of clients, store information about requests and purchases, and carry out repeat sales. And also keep records of purchased cars in order to formulate profitable offers for their owners.
Communication in the team
The use of chats significantly improves communication between car dealership employees and helps to quickly exchange information. These can be messages about the availability of new cars, current prices or technical characteristics of a specific car. You can also announce the start of a promotional offer using the newsfeed. Chats allow you to consult on a certain situation with an experienced colleague, get support or permission from a manager. Group chats help to discuss controversial situations or more effective sales methods. Chats and newsfeed make communication easier and help to avoid mistakes in work. They help all team members to be aware of the latest events and work more efficiently.
Assigning tasks
Tasks are an important tool that helps car dealership employees work efficiently and harmoniously. It makes it possible to rationally assign tasks in accordance with the specialist's qualifications and skills. For example, one of the sellers can be responsible for negotiations with prospective clients, another one for test drives or making deals. Or, one of the managers is good at presenting a car of a particular brand. Then you can give him/her an individual sales plan and encourage him/her in every way with the help of a motivation system. Thanks to tasks, employees can demonstrate their expertise. This will help to achieve better results both for each individual manager and for the entire team.
Systematized client base
A carefully collected and organized database of contacts helps to improve the quality of service and increase client loyalty. How exactly? It is extremely simple - a card is created for each client in the CRM system, where personal information, call history, and the most important, the client's preferences and wishes are stored. And there is even an opportunity to specify an additional contact that affects decision-making. A systematized base helps managers to offer those car models that the future owner will definitely like and not to waste time on offers that will not lead to making a deal. Information from the card allows you to develop an individual strategy when working with clients and send personalized offers.
Convenient interaction
Working in a single online space helps coordinate the interaction of employees from different departments and quickly involve the right colleagues in discussions. Here you can assign tasks to managers, exchange messages in personal chats and create group chats to solve urgent issues, agree on discounts or provide additional services. At Uspacy, you can schedule meetings and track the workload of technicians, keep in touch with clients, make test drives appointments and pass technical inspection.
Repeat sales
A car is the kind of product that is hardly ever bought from the first visit to the dealership. The client can look for the car for months, and can even visit the dealership during the year to listen to additional arguments in favor of the purchase. There is no question of spontaneity here at all, because it is more a happy occasion than a merit of the manager. Usually, only systematic work with a prospective buyer leads to the desired deal. The CRM system allows you to constantly heat up the client's curiosity with the help of a well-configured funnel. Thanks to it, you will always know at what stage the deal is and why the negotiations have stopped. You will be able to send encouraging reminders, personal and profitable offers. This helps to strengthen the relationship with the clients and in the future to make repeat sales and offer service.
Sales control and data collection
CRM helps to optimize the work processes of the car dealership and increase the efficiency of each employee. After all, it makes it possible to review the history of interactions between managers and clients and check the quality of consulting. Makes it possible to set personal performance indicators for each consultant, develop a bonus system and thus control sales. The CRM system also helps track financial reporting and advertising costs. Collect statistical data, analyze the needs of the target audience and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. And on the basis of the collected information, build a strategy for further marketing activities.